Orion Research Foundation grants EUR 1,109,000 for research in 2025
Orion Research Foundation grants EUR 1,109,000 for research in 2025
Press release 22 November, 2024 at 9.00 EET
Orion Research Foundation sr is distributing EUR 1,109,000 in research grants based on applications for 2025. Orion Research Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 19 researchers for postdoctoral research and max EUR 6,000 for 93 young researchers for doctoral dissertation work.
Orion Research Foundation sr is annually distributing its return on investment and donations from Orion Corporation as grants for young researchers for doctoral dissertation work and postdoctoral research. In the last few years the Research Foundation has been distributing annual grants based on applications for the total sum of MEUR 1 for research in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and related sciences, such as chemistry and physics.
Grants for 2025
Grants for postdoctoral research, EUR 25,000 – 50,000
Aatsinki Anna-Katariina, LT, Turun yliopisto, Toiminnalliset vatsavaivat ja suolistomikrobiston kehitys lapsuudessa, EUR 25,000
Acosta Manzano Francisco Miguel, Researcher, Turun yliopisto, Medicity (University of Turku) and Turku PET Centre (Turku University Hospital), Unlocking the Power of Brown Fat: New Targets in the Fight Against Cardiometabolic Disease, EUR 50,000
Awad Shady, M.D., Ph.D., University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Identification of Molecular Vulnerabilities Role in TP53-mutant Leukemic Evolution of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, EUR 25,000
Carpén Timo Pertti Mikael, LKT, dosentti, erikoislääkäri, palliatiivinen erityispätevyys, Helsingin yliopisto, Virtual symptom screening with Targeted Early Palliative care (STEP2) versus usual care for patients with advanced cancer: a randomized controlled trial., EUR 40,000
Göös Helka Linnea, FT, Suomen Punainen Risti, Veripalvelu, Enhancing CAR-NK cell effectiveness using base editing, EUR 25,000 €
Häkli Martta Ida Emilia, Tekniikan tohtori, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University, Hypertrofinen kardiomyopatia kantasolupohjaisissa sydänorganoideissa, EUR 30,000
Kim Daehong, Postdoc Fellow, University of Zurich, University of Helsinki, Unravelling gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease: Organoid transplantation and advanced immune profiling in preclinical models, EUR 25,000 €
Korvenlaita Nea Karoliina, Farmasian tohtori, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Molecular & Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, USA, Aivosairauksien diagnostiikkaa uusin menetelmin: Solunulkoisista vesikkeleistä parempia biomarkkereita, EUR 50,000
Kositsky Adam, FT, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, Piezo1 for Tendon: Understanding Biomechanical and Bioregenerative Effects (PiezTUBBE), EUR 30,000
Koskinen Maija-Kreetta, Filosofian tohtori, Helsingin yliopisto, Sleep well and keep calm: Neural mechanisms of sleep disruption-induced anxiety, EUR 25,000
Laivuori Silja Mirjami, Lääketieteen tohtori, Helsingin yliopisto, Peripheral arterial disease in women., EUR 25,000
Lautaoja-Kivipelto Juulia Helene, Liikuntatieteiden tohtori, Oulun yliopisto, The effects of exercise on adipose tissue mitochondrial function and NAD+ metabolism, EUR 30,000
Muroke Valtteri, LT, Helsingin yliopisto, Helsingin Yliopistollinen Keskussairaala, Inflammation and coronary artery disease - Effects of colchicine on proteomic and metabolomic biomarkers in the COLCOT trial, EUR 40,000
Mäkitaipale Heidi Johanna, ELT, pieneläinsairauksien erikoiseläinlääkäri, Helsingin yliopisto, Kaniinien suun mikrobiomi ja sen yhteys krooniseen hammassairauteen, EUR 30,000
Parvanian Sepideh, PhD, MBA, Åbo Akademi, Cell biology department, Contrasting immunogenic and non-immunogenic bladder tumors: immune microenvironment, metabolic influences, and therapeutic resistance, EUR 25,000
Rajamaki Blair, Researcher, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, Temporal changes to comorbidity clusters in people with type 2 diabetes in Finland and Australia, EUR 25,000
Savukoski Susanna Marianne, Lääketieteen tohtori, Oulun yliopisto, Hormonikorvaushoidon pitkäaikaiset terveysvaikutukset ennenaikaisesti vaihdevuosiin tulleilla naisilla, EUR 40,000
Urpa Lea Martta, Researcher, Helsingin yliopisto, Understanding the relationship between disordered sleep and autism symptomatology, EUR 40,000
Yrjölä Pauliina Anna Henriikka, Tekniikan tohtori, sairaalafyysikko, Helsingin yliopisto, Biomarkers of adverse structural-functional development in preterm infants, EUR 30,000
Orion Reaserch Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 19 researchers for postdoctoral research. These grants are in total EUR 610,000.
Grants for doctoral dissertation work, EUR 3,000 – 6,000
In addition, Orion Research Foundation has awarded EUR 3,000 – 6,000 for 93 researchers for doctoral dissertation work. These grants are in total EUR 499,000.
Orion Research Foundation sr
More info:
Siiri Lehtinen
Head of Orion Research Foundation
Tel: +358 (0)10 426 4409
Orion Research Foundation sr

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